вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.


Read More Download Buy Now. This guide will refer you to other places in the documentation provided with the tools by showing references to the relevant file and section in the documentation files e. If you are wanting to use MP3 encoding then make sure you have followed ' section 3. The download will be executed through a download manager. Then you'll need to go to the services. shoutcast dnas gui 1.9.8

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Please remember that with guu SHOUTcast tools being designed to work on both the Windows and non-Windows operating systems, there is information included in the documentation which relates to either of these platforms. Windows users see section 1. Your mileage may vary!

How can I install Shoutcast as a Windows Service? - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums

If you do want to install multiple tools then it is better to work through the guide for one tool and then to do the same for the other one otherwise it may become confusing especially if you are new to command-line console tools and manual editting of configuration files. Leaving without your download? Navigation Main page Recent changes Random page. If you are wanting to use MP3 encoding then make sure you have followed ' section 3.

Make shohtcast if you are reporting issues to provide as much information as possible for the SHOUTcast users who use the tools including the following information:.

Installing and configuring the Shoutcast server. Retrieved from " http: On non-Windows operating systems you can choose any location for the extracted location as long as you have the correct permission and access to the folder chosen. On non-Windows you now need to extract the files for the tool s you have downloaded and ensure that you extract all contents of the archive into the install location decided on.

If you are not using one or more of them then you can skip the section as appropriate.

How can I install Shoutcast as a Windows Service? When this entry in the list is selected then the plug-in's configuration window will be opened and from there the plug-in will shoutcsst in a state where a connection can be started via the 'Connect' button on guj 'Output' tab.

So if your key is '' and you have used 'Bob' as the registered name, you would add the following to your Transcoder configuration file:. RarmaRadio App that helps users access radio and television stations from around the world online.

Additionally, the download manager may offer you optional utilities such as an online translator, online backup, search bar, pc health kit and an entertainment application. In case an error occurs, you will see its code and brief description. Find More Posts by neralex.

You can check this via the links referenced in 3. This page was last modified on 5 Novemberat Additionally, in the install location there will be a 'docs' folder as long as it has been chosen to be installed [Windows] or extracted [non-Windows] which contains text only versions of the main documentation relating to the SHOUTcast tool s installed as well as any related documentation to the other tools which may be of use in getting a Yui system configured and running e.

shoutcast dnas gui 1.9.8

It is recommended to enable the " Auto-reconnect " option - it will allow you to reconnect to the server in case the connection is broken for some reason. We only have a single stream.

All documentation can be found online - http: RadioBOSS makes automating your broadcast to the world, your business or shop professional, simple, affordable, reliable. The SHOUTcast DNAS Server and Transcoder are both built to be run from the command-line console or as a native shoutcazt if using this mode which may appear to be daunting when most interaction done with the operating system is done via a graphical interface GUI.

For simplicity we will only run the Transcoder in the command-line console though when your Transcoder setup is completed dns everything is known to be working correctly then running as a service Windows or as a daemon non-Windows can be done to automate loading of the Transcoder. Not sure why the conf. This may appear to be a step backwards if you previously used the v1 DNAS Server with its very basic GUI wrapper which otherwise was acting in the same manner as the command-line console just without the look of the operating system.


Once the key has been obtained you need to add the key and your name into the 'unlockkeyname' and 'unlockkeycode' 19.8 in you configuration file exactly as they have been received.

Due to the UAC feature http: On Windows this choice is handled via the installer which selects a sensible new location or it re-uses the previous install location if doing an upgrade of an install which was previously made with a v2 tool installer. I did finally read the directions which is what lead to the post above. This is important as not everyone visiting the forum are native English speakers. More information can be found on what is required in shoutczst section 1.

shoutcast dnas gui 1.9.8

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